

2023-11-09 11:02 浏览:
导读: 为了提高水平的战斗,李小龙在学习汉语的拳击比赛,西方风格的研究,而他是在西方拳击培训和攒钱买拳王路易世界冠军,你要学会纪录片步法,训练方法、新技术和新方法,他经常参加学校的拳击,不断丰富的实践经验,美国达到JKD)。美国学校拳师经常聚集在武术,李小龙从学校到他的“业务”得到预期的效果。

Bruce lee's life is short, but as a the sky WuTan comet of , and the of arts films made . He in , kung fu in the world. Many in mind, his kung fu is arts. He also art "", JKD.


Bruce lee was born in the SAN , his and youth in Hong Kong is spent. Bruce lee was very thin body. His 's son in order to make the body in his seven years old, and teach the . Bruce in the age of 13, the study asked, and wing chun set a stake, every to stake a lot of . In , he also , tan, legs, , stamp foot, , etc, for JKD laid solid .

In order to the level of , Bruce lee in , style of study, while he is in and save money the Louis world , learn the , , and , He often , rich , the JKD.

Due to the about Bruce lee, he was , Bruce lee's to study in the . Bruce lee's life in , enter is hard, but , put his into study arts. In , he was a "" kung fu, often in , and from the and .

Lee, after hard to and kung fu . The "three feet", "li" and "fist" hand "is his out the trick. Lee is a , in , is good at long rod, short rod and and jie gun and study.

Bruce lee to the arts in , grade 2, a lot on , as he hung, " art " of the brand. He edge, hard, had , in the more . In was he met in the to study arts Linda, after more than a year, and they had , in 1964 in , they . , Bruce lee, both .

Since the lee in one four armed with , girl news in the , Bruce lee's name after the U.S., , all such TV show, also his kung fu 's . And he art of also . In order to the , Bruce lee often to in arts, and in , and Los to offer wushu . scale and , the world many kung-fu stars such as LiShi etc are Saul him for the film star in as James heng Penn and Steve are his . Ali, the world has , with his . ex-boxer often in arts, Bruce lee from to of his "wu" the .






